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Fitness Training for Flexibility, Mobility and More

Fitness training involves regularly doing physical exercises and structured workouts that help you improve your health, strength, endurance, flexibility and body composition. You can do fitness training at a gym, with friends or on your own. The most important thing to remember is to make sure your workout routine is balanced. A well-rounded fitness program includes aerobic exercise, resistance training, core exercises, balance training and flexibility and stretching.

Aerobic exercise, also called cardio or endurance activity, gets your heart rate up and increases blood flow to your muscles and lungs, which helps you move more easily. It improves the ability of your body to carry oxygen throughout the bloodstream and reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Regular exercise strengthens your muscles, which can help prevent injuries and maintain joint mobility. It also increases your metabolism and builds bone density, which can reduce the risk of osteoporosis in older people. Whether you’re starting out or are already active, it’s important to build up your fitness level gradually to avoid injury and overtraining. Talk to your doctor before beginning any new exercise program, especially if you’re sedentary or have a chronic health condition.

The most common forms of aerobic exercise include jogging, running, swimming and walking. You can also do aerobics, which are exercises that work your entire body at once, and cycling. Another great cardiovascular workout is high-intensity interval training, which involves short bursts of vigorous activities followed by recovery periods.

A good strength-training program focuses on all major muscle groups, including the legs, hips, back, chest, abdomen, shoulders and arms. You don’t need a lot of expensive equipment to get a strength-training workout; you can use the weight machines at your local gym or simply do exercises with your own body weight, such as pushups, pullups, leg squats and situps.

Strength training can increase your ability to perform everyday tasks, such as carrying groceries or climbing stairs. It can also help you lose weight, improve your posture and balance and reduce pain from chronic injuries. Incorporate strength training into your fitness program two or three times a week, with at least 48 hours between each session.

The fitness industry has been evolving rapidly, with a focus on maximization of results in less time and effort. This has led to the development of fitness training styles such as HIIT, cross-fit, boot camp exercises and functional training routines. These methods are best suited for those who want to challenge their bodies in different ways and enjoy variety in their workouts.

Unlocking the Benefits of Menopause Support For Women

Experts say it’s important to talk to your doctor before taking any dietary supplements. Some, like vitamin D, can impact blood sugar and blood pressure.

There are a few supplements that do help with menopause symptoms. Black cohosh, l-theanine, St. John’s wort, pollen extract and Asian ginseng all may ease hot flashes, insomnia, mood changes and low libido.

1. Reduces hot flashes

A variety of herbs and nutrients can help ease menopause symptoms like hot flashes, sleep problems, mood changes and low libido. Black cohosh, kava, dong quai, evening primrose oil and soy isoflavones can be particularly helpful.

However, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats may go further than taking a supplement to help alleviate menopause symptoms. Exercise, avoiding spicy foods and alcohol, getting adequate amounts of calcium, and sleeping at a regular time each night can also be helpful.

Chastetree berry (Vitex agnus-castus) can help balance your progesterone levels by blocking estrogen and limiting the activity of the hormone-boosting enzyme C-Jun N-terminal kinase. It can help reduce bloating, cramping and food cravings associated with low progesterone. The herb also has been shown to be effective for hot flashes.

2. Reduces night sweats

For many women, night sweats are one of the most unpleasant symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. They can be a sign that your hormones are out of balance, and they can also cause other symptoms such as irritability, insomnia and fatigue.

The good news is that there are several supplements that can help reduce night sweats. One of the most effective is black cohosh. Research shows that this herb works well to decrease the frequency of night sweats and other signs of perimenopause and menopause such as hot flashes.

Another great option is magnolia bark. This supplement contains phytoestrogens, which are plant estrogens that mimic the natural hormones in your body. This can help reduce symptoms such as hot flashes, irritability, anxiety and depression.

3. Reduces mood swings

Many supplements are linked to menopause-related symptoms, but most have limited scientific evidence and should only be taken with your doctor’s approval. Fortunately, diet and lifestyle changes can significantly improve your symptoms.

Eat plenty of whole, unprocessed foods to help balance your hormones and reduce mood swings. Avoid packaged foods that contain high amounts of sugar, chemical preservatives and toxins. Choose grass-fed meat, dairy and eggs, and organic vegetables.

Magnolia bark is an herbal remedy that reduces menopause hot flashes and night sweats and also helps to control anxiety, insomnia and depression. Siberian ginseng limits stress-induced high cortisol levels, which can exacerbate your menopause symptoms. It also boosts your serotonin and promotes better sleep. Black cohosh is another common herbal menopause supplement for balancing your hormones.

4. Increases energy

As we age, our natural levels of DHEA hormone drop. Some small studies suggest that taking DHEA supplements can ease menopause symptoms including low libido and hot flashes. (But high doses of DHEA can raise your risk for cancer and heart disease.) You can get enough DHEA from fatty fish, chia seeds, walnuts and firm tofu.

Dong quai is another natural herbal menopause supplement that can help relieve symptoms by lowering estrogen. It contains isoflavones that have estrogen-like effects. You can give Menophix a try although it’s not a herbal supplement.

Ultimately, eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise are more effective ways to manage menopause symptoms than taking over-the-counter vitamins or herbs. Many dietary supplements are unregulated and may interact with other medicines. So be sure to talk to your doctor before trying any supplements.

5. Reduces anxiety

Menopause can be a difficult time for many women. Lifestyle changes can help alleviate symptoms, but sometimes supplements are needed. These five vitamins can reduce low estrogen levels that cause menopausal symptoms.

Valerian root helps with sleep disturbances and anxiety related to hormonal imbalances in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women. It also improves mood.

Omega-3 fatty acids ease depression, anxiety and memory problems common in perimenopausal and menopausal women. They also combat osteoporosis and help reduce heart disease risk.

Soy isoflavones act like weak estrogens in your body to balance erratic levels of high and low hormones. However, it’s important to avoid soy if you have thyroid problems since it may interfere with your hormone production.